Are you looking for a way to make your manual wheelchair more manageable and easier to use? If so, you may want to consider motorizing your wheelchair. In this article, we look at the five best power assist wheelchairs on the market and provide a buying guide to help you make an informed decision. Read on to find out if motorizing your wheelchair is the right choice for you!
If you have a manual wheelchair, you may be wondering if it’s possible to motorize it. The answer is yes! There are a few different ways to do this, and we’ll go over a few of them here.
One way to motorize a manual wheelchair is to add an electric motor to the wheels. This can be done by attaching a motor to the axle of the wheelchair, or by replacing the existing wheels with ones that have an electric motor built in. This option is ideal if you want to keep your manual wheelchair, but just make it easier to get around.
Another way to motorize a manual wheelchair is to add a power assist device. This attaches to the back of the chair and gives you a boost when you push the chair forward. This can be helpful if you don’t need a full-time motorized wheelchair, but still need some help getting around.
Finally, there are also complete motorized wheelchairs that you can purchase. These come with all the features you need to get around independently, and can be a great option if you don’t want to deal with modifying your existing wheelchair.
No matter which route you choose, there are plenty of options available for adding some extra power to your manual wheelchair. So if you’re looking for an easier way to get around, consider one of these methods!
Reviews of the 5 Best Power Assist Wheelchairs
There are a few different ways that you can motorize a manual wheelchair, but the most common is to add a power assist wheelchair kit. These kits come with all of the necessary parts and instructions to convert your manual chair into a power chair.
There are many different companies that make power assist wheelchair kits, so it can be difficult to decide which one to buy. To help you make your decision, we’ve gathered reviews of the 5 Best Power Assist Wheelchair – Reviews & Buying Guide ( kits on the market.
1. EZ Lite Cruiser Deluxe: This power assist wheelchair kit is easy to install and use. It comes with a powerful motor that provides plenty of torque, making it perfect for climbing hills or going over rough terrain. The battery life is also impressive, providing up to 8 miles of range on a single charge.
2. Drive Medical Blue Wave: The Drive Medical Blue Wave is another great option for those looking for a power assist wheelchair kit. It’s very easy to install and use, and it comes with a powerful motor that can handle rough terrain and hills. The battery life isn’t as good as the EZ Lite Cruiser Deluxe, but it still provides up to 6 miles of range on a single charge.
3. Pride Mobility Jazzy Air: The Pride Mobility Jazzy Air is a great choice for those who want a power assist wheelchair that’s lightweight and portable. It can fold down small enough to fit in the
In conclusion, it is possible to motorize a manual wheelchair by adding an electric motor and battery system. However, this process should be done with caution as the addition of these components can affect the weight capacity and balance of the chair. It is important to consult a medical professional prior to making any modifications or additions in order to ensure that your chair remains safe for use. With proper guidance, you can successfully motorize your manual wheelchair and reap all the benefits that come with having access to an electrically powered mobility device.